SEO trends to stay at the top of Google search in 2022

As Google updates its SEO algorithm, SEO strategies are volatile and change continually. Despite regular algorithm updates and improvements, a few tried and true SEO tactics remain. Implementing these tactics on your website will enhance your ranking and protect it from Google’s changes.

You can implement these tactics in two different ways: on-page and off-page 

On-page SEO tactics to be considered

To make quick, effective changes, focus on On-page SEO tactics:

1. Focus on long-tail keywords

Keywords with long tails are typically more specific and prolonged than standard ones. They have a lower search volume than shorter keywords but can be very useful. Long-tail keywords help you understand the user’s intent. By this, you can narrow the keywords to those highly related to the actions you want users to take on your site. You can know the user’s intent through long-tail keywords, which is impossible with short ones. And these types of keywords have lower search volume and lower competition, so it ranks well on google.

2. Add keywords in Alt text for images

  • Alt text or alternate text describes the image in short. It’s the most crucial factor to rank on Google, contributing approximately 20% to rank on top. Alt text has some uses like accessibility, context, and search engine optimization. 
  • Accessibility: It helps the visually impaired to hear using screen readers.
  • Context: Users can use alt text as an alternative to an image when the image cannot be loaded on the page.
  • Search Engine Optimization: Search engine crawlers use alt text to index an image correctly.
  • An accessible site has a greater chance of attracting traffic.

3. Insert keywords in Headlines

By placing keywords in headers, you notify search engines and users that your content satisfies the intent behind those search terms. Make sure you consider the user experience and Google recommendations before choosing where to place your target keywords or other variations. 

4. Target on Great UX experience

Apart from keywords and headlines, one of the essential factors google considers while ranking your page is dwell time. If the user bounces back from your page within seconds of arrival, it indicates to Google that it’s not the content the users are looking for. How long it takes for a page to load will affect dwell time and bounce rates. An average web page is loaded in 10.3 seconds on a desktop and 27.3 seconds on mobile. Conversion rates are most affected by the first 5 seconds of a page loading. Each additional second it takes for a page to load lowers conversion rates by 4.42 percent on average.

5. Append multiple media type

SEO benefits can be gained indirectly by doing certain things. One of those things is using multimedia in your blog posts. Besides images, media can include audio files, videos, e books, and GIFs. Engaging media types increases dwell time and user experience on your website. According to HubSpot, videos now comprise the majority of content strategies, overtaking blogs. Video marketing is used by 86 percent and audio marketing by 61 percent of businesses to grow their business, and 84 percent of consumers say watching a brand’s video led them to buy a product or service. Digital Audio marketing is on the rise, with the average consumer spending more time listening. Include video and audio content to engage the consumer on your web page for extended periods.

6. Utilize internal links

As mentioned above, Google considers dwell time while ranking the website. Another factor considered while the ranking is time spent on your entire website. A user staying on your website longer is more likely to move further down your funnel. On top of that, it tells search engines that your content is high quality and relevant. Most people spend equal amounts of time on their internal and external linking strategies in a blog post. According to SEOs, every blog post should contain at least two to five internal links.

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